Can Anyone Help Me? Dispatches From the All8Limbs Ashtanga Lovers Facebook Group

Welcome to All8Limbs Ashtanga Lovers Facebook Group! This is a forum for ashtangis seeking practice advice, medical care, laparoscopic surgery, DIY knee replacement how-to’s from 200 RYTs, psychoanalysis, astrological readings, information about what, when, where, how and if to eat, yoga sutra quote-off’s and dancing penguin memes. To join you must be able to stand up and drop back three times (or know what that means) and love ghee.


Hi, I’ve just been diagnosed by my astrologer as having inner child tantrums resurfacing with this New Moon, along with multiple tears in all the muscles, bones, ligaments, joints, veins, arteries and …. everything that once comprised my left arm has been pulverized into a fine dust following a diligent third series practice with bandhas/ encounter with a meteor.

My acupuncturist confirmed this in a second opinion, and I had surgery with a progressive MD, resulting in my left arm now being held together with papier mache, metal rods and duct tape. I practice on and off depending on my pain level, and only in the presence of non-magnetic materials and not too much heat– as my arm is drawn to magnets, and any heat will melt my papier mache forearms into a sludgy puddle.

Any advice to guide me on my way? I’m dropping third series and tic tocs– at least until they reattach my bicep. But leg behind the head is way easier on my left side now! And don’t worry, I’m going to ask a 200 RYT yoga teacher too. Thanks so much!!!


Hello fellow All8Limbs Ashtanga yogis! I’m traveling to [INSERT-NAME-OF-AMAZING-ONCE-IN -A-LIFETIME-BEACHY-TOP-50-SPOTS-TO-SEE-BEFORE-YOU-DIE-HOW-F&CKING-JEALOUS-CAN-I-MAKE-YOU-PLACES]. Can anyone recommend a place to practice while I’m there for six whole months because my life is a dream? Namaste!


Can anyone help me? I’m having “issues” after eight months of practice. My big toe, spinal column, ribs, femurs, jaw, eye sockets, palate, sit bones, cerebellum and central channel all began to go haywire. I also got a rash (I’d rather not say where). Has anyone else had experience with this kind of injury? Do you think it’s all this… kapotasana? Should I (a) go back to primary (b) join Orange Theory (c) try hypnosis or Bikram (d) keep doing what I’m doing (minus kapo) or (e) all of the above?  

PS– What should I eat for lunch?


Hi–Here’s another meme, hashtag and emojis! It’s a bird dancing (me after I manage to bind!) It’s a surly-faced kid (me when I hit kapo!) It’s a dude with bad hair (me after practice!) It’s a cat!  Oh, wait, that’s just a picture of my cat. (But his face kind of looks like mine during navasana-ha!) #ilovememes


Yogis! I have a student who said she experienced a rash and developed an ability to speak Greek after trying kapotasana for the first time. She wasn’t touching the spot of the rash in the pose (it’s unmentionable) and has never even been to a retreat on Santorini. Do you think it’s Chronic bursitis? Ulcerative Colitis? Hayfever allergies? Appendicitis? Gluten Intolerance? Blood Clot? Altitude sickness? Restless Legs Syndrome? ADHD? Incorrect pronunciation of the closing chant? Or maybe just because… Kapo? I told her I wasn’t a doctor, but thought it would be fun to play one anyway (that reminds me: did you guys like my DIY knee replacement tutorial or what?) Thanks for your help!


Hi, I’d love your thoughts on [CONTROVERSIAL TOPIC]. I know no one has much to say about this incredibly [CONTROVERSIAL TOPIC]. I imagine the thread won’t be record long, with comments reading like Op-Eds, philosophy papers and anatomy textbooks, along with side arguments between commentators or attaching blogs, books and podcasts about [CONTROVERSIAL TOPIC]. I’m going to curl up with a bowl of popcorn and watch you go to town on [CONTROVERSIAL TOPIC].

The light in me honors the light in you!


Hi, I’m here to comment with a brief essay (plus footnotes), podcast episode and/or State of the Union on the Yoga Sutras (ever heard of them?) in response to your questions about binding in marichyasana C, [CONTROVERSIAL TOPIC] and your dancing cat memes. It’s an 8-limbed practice, you know? If you don’t, I’ll remind you.


Hey all: I have an artificial SI joint functioning purely on positive thoughts, vegan waffles and sheer will. Also, I have active appendicitis. I’m having trouble binding in Marichyasana D and it’s been four years!!! Ugh, the struggle! Weirdly enough, the fever and belly pain seem to be helping the pose along– I’m so close I can almost taste it (and my own bile)!!! Do you guys think I should add second series backbends? Would that help the explosive pain in my abdomen?

-Gotta go curl up into the fetal position now, thanks guys!

Has-No-Idea-What Pool-She-Just-Waded-Into-Yogi

Hi dearest yogis! I’m here to ask an innocent question about something barely even ashtanga yoga-related, like trees, nut butter, or the planet Mercury. I can’t wait to read your one-word answers that reveal how I’m asking this in the WRONG forum. Or maybe it’s the right one, because you will undoubtedly all have different answers and bicker among yourselves until someone jumps in to smartypants-show-you-all-up, writing some historical answer with Bhagavad Gita and esoteric yogic quotes that shut the front damn door– and thus show my question might be ashtanga-related after all. Then someone will throw in how much they love another kind of yoga so much, like Goat yoga or Buti barre, another person will quote Rihanna and we’ll all wonder how we got here and what planet we’re on and so on and so forth.

Speaking of which, has anyone read “Where the Crawdads Sing”?

Love, light and Ahimsa!


Aloha! any thoughts about whether use of bandhas increases or decreases your chances of being abducted and probed by aliens? Man, is this practice rad or what?


This may be a stupid question, but– My body feels on fire with pain all the time. The pain inferno is particularly bad when I head to facebook yoga groups. My problem is that just a few moments with any online forum and the pain stays with me all day and doesn’t go away, not even when I’m everywhere looking god seeing. I think it might be my brain. Is this normal? Is it from Kapo? Maybe I shouldn’t do Kapo for a while.

I look forward to reading your thoughts, even though this will cause me pain.

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